NEC Personal Computer (NEC PC) has announced the Fall / Winter 2021 model of personal PCs, which are Windows 11.It will be a generational change that matches the new version OS expected Microsoft.Two major mobile notebook PCs, "LA ...
The good thing about PC games is that you can play many titles, both in Japan and overseas.If you use a game platform such as "STEAM" that you can buy online, you have created an indie from a large title that everyone has heard ...
Which one do you use?Programming Education Tool Stay Home, even if you play with the summer vacation, there are many dads and moms who are tired of saying "Do your homework!"That's ...
The collaboration with the anime "DEATH NOTE" has started in the asymmetric multiplayer game "Identity V Fifth Personality" under distribution from Netease Games.Below, the original text is posted.Despair again, a different dimension confrontation ...
Aizuwakamatsu City (sponsored) and Arakawa Sangyo Co., Ltd. (co -sponsored) have been collected (free collection) of spent small home appliances.Second year 3rd year of spent small home appliances simultaneous collection (free recovery) 2nd spent small home appliances collection flyer.pdf ...
European mobile operators banded together in the minds of one man to ban the private relay feature Also recognizing that Apple's privacy feature violates digital sovereignty, Apple could add to its operating system...
"One-netbook A1 Pro" (A1 Pro) is a 2in1-style mobile PC equipped with a 7-inch display of ONE-Netbook Technology in China.Like the previous manufacturer products, Tech One in Japan "One-netbook A1 Pro ...
The iPad is supported all over the world where the iPad falls, but if you use it for a long time, it will gradually become hot and slow.Still, if you continue to overuse it, the power will suddenly turn off and the power will be re -turned on ...
* If you purchase the product introduced in the article, a part of the sales may be returned to BuzzFeed.Speaking of the representative of high -end notebooks, "Moleskine" is really cool, but it's a bit expensive, but at Amazon "Moleskine ...
For many companies and the industry, the aspect of prediction is very important.If you move forward without a clearly defined goal, you may get serious results.Product plans, financial forecasts, and weather forecasts are hard data and important analysis ...
Shu!Between ourselves.Don't you think Apple's iron veil has been loosened a little recently?Is it because of the feeling that the number of Apple services that can be used in other companies' products has increased?AirPlay other than Apple TV ...
Opening button User Menu Menu Menu What is a business that solves business issues by fusion of management with content login IT?Login new member registration e -mail magazine registration business + IT?Sales strategic cost reduction organization reform production ...
12 comments 12 comments Nintendo product that has been collected for about 15 years ago (artist, programmer).Only before the NES was released in 1983.Now the price is soaring in the Internet market and it is a valuable item that is difficult to obtain.La above ...
Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin on a journey to the history of bitcoin.After sending Bitcoin to the world, one day suddenly, he stopped all of the information and lost his communication.I still know who was Satoshi ...
This time, "ZenFone 5", "ZenFone 5z" and "ZenFone 5Q".5 and 5z are different between SoC and storage.5z is higher.5Q is slightly inferior to SOC, memory, panel size, etc., but both the front/back camera ...