4K TV Are you watching correctly? REGZA Z9X 4K experience Iroha

Asking "HIVI", "see the 4K properly"

 Looking into the TV corner of the consumer electronics retailer, the first thing you can see is the word "4K".In the summer of 2014, the topic related to TV is 4K.Television manufacturers are on sale of 4K TVs, and are on display at large corners at dealers.In addition, 4K broadcasting and distribution movements are also active, and from June 2, 4K test broadcasting will start with CS digital "Channel 4K", and the soccer world cup will be broadcast on June 12 at 4K.Furthermore, in October, the word 4K, such as the launch of the Hikari TV 4K video -on -demand service, comes into view every day.


4Kテレビ正しく見てる? REGZA Z9Xで学ぶ4K体験のイロハ

 However, although the number of compatible products is increasing, the broadcast has started, but there is also a feeling that only the word "4K" is walking alone.Even if you know that you can see high -definition images at 3,840 × 2,160 dots, 2 times each of the main full HD, what is the ability of 4K TV, or 4K?There are few people who understand and understand correctly about choosing a 4K TV at this stage with few native content.


 Whatever you hide, the 4K TV is a level that can be said to have almost never experienced except for watching a consumer electronics retailer.As for the information, even if you look at it every day, you don't actually use it.

 Therefore, this time, we will visit Stereo Sound Co., Ltd., which publishes the audio visual magazine "HIVI", and while actually watching the video on Toshiba's latest 4K TV "REGZA 58Z9X" (type 58), AV criticism.Koji Yamamoto, a house, had a one -on -one lecture from 4K foundation to application.

 This time, I would like to introduce the points that you need to know at least when watching a 4K TV.Not only those who own 4K TVs, as well as those who are still satisfied with Full HD TV, as well as those who own 4K TVs, such as the correct view of the REGZA Z9X series, how to install 4K TVs.

今回のメインとなる東芝の4KテレビREGZA 58Z9X(58型)今回使用した機材。BDプレーヤーはPanasonicのBZT9600ヤマハのAVアンプRX-A1030スピーカーはKEF LS50を使用

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