Unknown experiences stimulate children's curiosity! “Yattemitai Exhibition: Amusement Park where you can learn with your body” held at Expo ’70 Commemorative Park

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Seeing, touching, smelling, and other unknown experiences are all learning opportunities for children. A digital amusement park full of such experiences where you can enjoy learning while having fun, "Yattemita Exhibition: Amusement Park to Learn with Your Body" will be held from Saturday, March 12, 2022 to Sunday, May 8, 2022 in Suita City, Osaka. It will be held at the "EXPO'70 Pavilion Foyer" in the park. [Photo] Create your own earth "I dug the earth". What changes will occur when mountains and seas are formed? ■ Take a walk in the sea, move a drone, and get excited about 10 experiences! There are 10 experience contents in all. In "I took a walk in the sea", you can cultivate an inquiring mind by seeing what kind of creatures live in the sea and what kind of world is spreading in the 360-degree theater inside the dome. In addition, you can experience the programming operation of an AR drone using a tablet in "I tried to move the drone freely", and you can touch a part of programming thinking. ■ Let's know the structure of your body! Full of interesting experiences that can only be done here In addition, "I met my child" took a picture of "What if photo?" Through the experience of predicting the faces of two children, it cultivates imagination and inquisitiveness. "See through yourself" and "See through animals" allow you to see through your own body and the bodies of animals and learn about the structure of the body and the structure of bones. The experience of "seeing the inside of living things" stimulates curiosity and inquisitiveness. In addition, there are many interesting experiences that can only be done here, such as "I tried to sniff out various scents", "I tried to become art", and "I tried to dig the earth". You are sure to find things that your children like. ■Exhibits materials from the 1970 Osaka Expo This time, a collaborative exhibition with the Osaka Expo titled "-Road to EXPO 2025-" will also be held. In anticipation of the Osaka Expo in 2025, panels exhibit materials and photographs related to the Osaka Expo held in 1970. Children at that time can relive the experiences of "trying" through the exhibition, and get a glimpse of the exciting events of the 1970s. Imagining the past while viewing the exhibition with your family, or listening to adults who knew about the time, will surely increase your interest in the 2025 Osaka Expo. Interview/Text: Kazuyo Narukawa Wear a mask, avoid the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact settings), maintain social distance, and observe cough etiquette. *Prices in the article include tax unless otherwise specified. Some products and services are subject to a reduced tax rate and may differ from the displayed price.

Unknown experiences are children's curiosity Stimulate the mind!

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