Amazon "Fire HD 8"
"Fire HD 8" is a 8 -inch tablet that can enjoy digital content provided by Amazon, such as the Kindle Store and Amazon video.Along with the 10 -inch model "Fire HD 10" released at the same time, it is an intermediate product in the current Fire series lineup.
This product, which was announced as one of the 5th generation Fire series, has been hidden behind the shocking price of 4,980 yen for Prime members only, but the thinnest 7.7mm body in Fire history.It is a tablet that features a price of 19,980 yen (8GB model), which is reasonable as a 8 -inch type.The resolution is a bit higher than the Fire, and it is a one -class Fire class, including communication with IEEE 802.11ac.
This time, this "Fire HD 8" is "iPad mini 4" with a 7.9 -inch screen size in addition to the fifth generation Fire, and the same 8 -inch "Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact" with the same body size.While comparing, let's mainly check the usability as a reading terminal.
製品外観。ボタン配置や上部のVGA前面カメラなど、縦向きで使うことを想定しているのはFireと同様横向きで使うことも可能だが、iPad mini 4などと比べるとかなり横長の印象端子やボタンはほとんどが上部に集中しているのはFireと同じだが、並び順は異なる。左から音量ボタン、イヤフォンジャック、リセットホール、microUSBコネクタ、電源ボタン側面には第5世代モデルの特徴であるmicroSDスロットを搭載。128GBまで対応する。隣には背面カメラがあるスピーカーは側面に2基搭載。横向きにした場合に左下と右下に来る合理的な配置だ背面のAmazonロゴはモールドではなくシルク印刷。本体が薄くモールドしにくいがゆえの仕様か、それともOEMベースの筐体なのか、理由は不明だ