After all, can the laptop be connected to the power supply or not?(Life Hacker [Japanese version]) --Yahoo! News



After all, can the laptop be connected to the power supply or not?

「ノートパソコンを電源アダプターでコンセントにつなぎっぱなしにしておくと良くないの?」これは、ノートパソコンを使っている人なら、誰でもどこかの時点で抱く疑問です。After all, can the laptop be connected to the power supply or not?どうやら、その答えは単純ではないようです。その理由を見ていきましょう。

After all, can the laptop be connected to the power supply or not?(ライフハッカー[日本版]) - Yahoo!ニュース

Know about the battery

Most laptops use either lithium -ion batteries and lithium polymer batteries. These two are technically different, but they work in the same way in terms of generating electricity by electronic movements. In order to keep the battery normal, the flow of this electron must be constant. At least for a recent laptop, the following is the following. The battery is not overcharged. Even if the laptop is kept to the power supply, there is no risk of overcharging the battery. As the charging reaches 100 %, the charging will be stopped immediately and the charging will not resume until the voltage falls below a certain level. Discharge completely will hurt the battery. If the battery is kept to zero the battery for a long time, the battery may be in a heavy release state and may not be able to charge again. In that case, it is fatal for the battery (here is how to start jumping a dead laptop battery). Considering the above, is it better to keep the laptop computer connected to the power supply? Not always.

Factors to deteriorate the lithium battery

The lithium battery is originally unstable.The deterioration begins immediately after production, but there are many factors that make the deterioration speed faster.The following are part of them.Charging/discharge cycle.All batteries are determined to be charged and discharged.Voltage level.The higher the charging level (measured by the number of bolts per cell), the shorter the life of the battery.High temperature over 30 degrees.No repair may occur.The last two are particularly concerned.A comprehensive study by Battery University shows that the voltage level and high temperatures are a factor in reducing the battery life alone, respectively, but it has shown that the combination of these two will be even better.


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