After all, has the "Mobile Suica" app become comfortable to use?

First from the migration. "Osaifu-Keitai app" is required for Android users

However, in fact, the mobile PASMO is used in my main Android terminal "arrows 5G F-51A". The number of terminals that can coexist with two types of transportation ICs, Mobile Suica and Mobile PASMO, is increasing, but unfortunately I can only use one of the arrows 5G. To use Mobile Suica, you have to delete the existing Mobile PASMO.


So, I decided to move Mobile PASMO to the iPhone of the sub terminal once, and conversely move the Mobile Suica that was set to the iPhone to the Android terminal. I used to install a mobile PASMO on my main Android device because I used to use a PASMO commuter pass for commuting, but now that I can't commute due to Korona-ka, it doesn't matter whether it's Suica or PASMO.

Aside from that, with this renewal, the procedure for this transition (model change) has also changed. In the past, the "model change" procedure was performed on the old model Mobile Suica app, and the balance etc. was taken over by newly logging in on the new model mobile Suica app.

However, after the renewal, it will be taken over via the "Osaifu-Keitai app" which is different from the mobile Suica app (except when changing the model from iPhone to iPhone).

Deposit mobile PASMO of arrows 5G at the center with "Osaifu Keitai App" Mobile Suica deposited on the iPhone side, this time received by arrows 5G mobile Suica migrated arrows 5G (left) and mobile PASMO migrated iPhone SE (right)

It should also be noted that the Osaifu-Keitai app will be required from this time to use Mobile Suica on Android devices regardless of the model change. If it is a terminal that can coexist with Mobile Suica and Mobile PASMO (or can set multiple Mobile Suica etc.), the "main card" that decides which one to use preferentially will also be set with the Osaifu-Keitai app, so the model Depending on the situation, there may be a lot of turns.

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