Drug treatment for autonomic imbalance: Over-the-counter drugs, antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, sleeping pills, herbal medicines, etc.

1. Do over-the-counter drugs work for dysautonomia? and can be bought without a prescription.

Formulations such as Driel® and Amminite® are over-the-counter medications that improve sleep. Originally, the main ingredient was diphenhydramine, which is an anti-allergic ingredient, and it is a drug that uses the drowsiness that appears as a side effect of diphenhydramine.

For more information, please see "Driel and other sleeping aids contain antihistamines similar to Allegra! Explanation on effects and drug interactions".

In addition to preparations sold under the same name as prescription drugs, such as Orengedokuto and Kihito, there are also Allopanol® (the same crude drug as the herbal medicine Yokukansan). Some over-the-counter medicines are sold under different names from the original Kampo name, such as

Details are explained in "Chinese medicine effective for autonomic imbalance and insomnia".

Alinamin ® EX Plus of the Alinamin series contains ingredients that are also used in prescription drugs as autonomic nervous system regulating agents. It can be expected to improve physical fatigue, eye fatigue, muscle pain, neuralgia, and numbness in the limbs.

Alinamin ® EX Plus is a preparation containing mainly vitamin B1, vitamin B6/B12, calcium pantothenate, vitamin E and gamma oryzanol (γ-oryzanol). Vitamin E can be expected to improve blood circulation, and gamma oryzanol is also a component of prescription drugs (product name: Hijet®, etc.) as an autonomic nerve regulator.

Kewpie Kowa Gold α can be expected to improve physical fatigue, weak constitution, loss of appetite, etc.

In addition to vitamins B1, B2, B6, nicotinamide (a type of vitamin B), vitamin C, vitamin E, nutritional tonic ingredients (eleuthero, Astragalus, oxoamidine), L-arginine, a type of amino acid , contains caffeine (anhydrous caffeine).

"Kewpie Kowa Gold α-Plus" (but not including nicotinamide) is Kewpie Kowa Gold α plus the herbal medicine Touki. Toki is a crude drug that improves blood circulation, and it is sometimes used as a constituent crude drug such as Toki Shakuyakusan, which is prescribed for autonomic imbalance.

2. Two types of autonomic nerve regulating drugs effective for autonomic imbalance

Autonomic nerve regulating drugs improve the balance of the autonomic nerves and improve various symptoms of autonomic imbalance. It is a medicine to Tofisopam (brand name: Grandaxin®, etc.) and gamma oryzanol (brand name: Hijet®, etc.) are representative autonomic nervous system regulators. Details are explained in "Representative drugs for autonomic imbalance given at hospitals".

Tofisopam is a drug that works on a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and improves the balance of the autonomic nervous system. It is prescribed for symptoms such as headache, fatigue, palpitations, and sweating.

It is characterized by less side effects such as drowsiness and weakness, which are likely to appear with anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills.

Gamma oryzanol (γ-oryzanol) is a type of polyphenol that is abundant in rice germ and rice bran. This medicine is effective for symptoms such as anxiety and depression by enhancing the action of noradrenaline, a substance in the brain. It is also used for diseases related to autonomic imbalance, such as menopause and irritable bowel syndrome, and is used to treat hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia) because it has the effect of improving cholesterol levels. There is also

3. Seven types of anti-anxiety drugs effective for autonomic imbalance

Benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drugs improve symptoms such as anxiety that are likely to occur in autonomic imbalance. Antianxiety drugs used in dysautonomia include:

Details are explained in "Representative medicines for autonomic imbalance given at hospitals".

Etizolam is an anti-anxiety drug that takes effect relatively quickly after taking it and is metabolized quickly in the body (drug is less likely to remain in the body).

Clothiazepam is a drug with a similar chemical structure to etizolam. In addition to symptoms such as anxiety, tension, depression, and insomnia, it is also used for dizziness, stiff shoulders, and loss of appetite due to autonomic imbalance.

Diazepam is prescribed for anxiety, tension, and depression due to autonomic imbalance. It is also effective in relieving muscle spasms.

Alprazolam is prescribed to improve anxiety, tension, depression, insomnia, dizziness, etc. caused by autonomic imbalance and psychosomatic disorders. It is one of the benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drugs with relatively rapid effects.

Bromazepam is considered to have a relatively high anti-anxiety effect among benzodiazepine anxiolytics.

In addition to symptoms such as anxiety, tension, depression, and insomnia, improvement effects can be expected for obsessive-compulsive symptoms and fear symptoms.

Lorazepam is a drug used for symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, or palpitations in autonomic imbalance. It is considered to be easy to take even for the elderly because there are few problems with taking it with other medicines and it does not put a burden on the liver. It may also be prescribed to improve dementia-related symptoms.

Loflazep is a benzodiazepine anxiolytic with a relatively long duration of action. In addition to being used for anxiety, tension, depression, insomnia, etc., it is sometimes prescribed for the purpose of improving dizziness and tinnitus.

4. Four types of sleeping pills effective for autonomic imbalance

Insomnia is a typical symptom of autonomic imbalance, which can be improved with sleeping pills. For details, see "Medicines for Autonomic Imbalance (Sleeping Pills, Antidepressants) Provided at Hospitals".

Ultra-short-acting sleeping pills are fast-acting and tend not to remain until after you wake up in the morning. Here are some examples of major drugs.

Short-acting hypnotics act longer than ultra-short-acting drugs and shorter than intermediate-acting drugs. Sometimes you get caught. Here are some examples of major drugs.

Intermediate-acting sleeping pills last longer than short-acting sleeping pills, so they are suitable for waking up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Take drugs for example.

About drug treatment for autonomic imbalance : Over-the-counter drugs, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills, herbal medicines, etc.

Long-acting sleeping pills are suitable for awakening in the middle of the night. Take drugs for example.

5. Three types of antidepressants effective for autonomic imbalance

Symptoms of depression may occur in autonomic imbalance, and antidepressants are also an important treatment. increase. Antidepressants commonly used for dysautonomia can be classified into three main types.

Details are explained in "Medicines for autonomic imbalance (sleeping pills, antidepressants) given at hospitals".

SSRIs are drugs that improve the function of brain substances such as serotonin, relieve the depressed mood caused by autonomic imbalance, and improve motivation. Here are some examples of major drugs.

SNRIs are drugs that improve the functions of brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, relieve the depressed mood caused by autonomic imbalance, and improve motivation. Here are some examples of major drugs.

NaSSA is a drug that improves the action of serotonin and noradrenaline by a different action than SNRI, and improves depression (depression), anxiety and insomnia caused by autonomic imbalance.

Mirtazapine (trade names: Reflex®, Remeron®) is the main drug.

6. Three types of hormonal agents that are effective against autonomic imbalance

Since autonomic imbalance is closely related to the balance of female hormones, supplementing female hormones with hormonal agents is effective. It can be improved.

There are three main types of hormonal agents used for autonomic imbalance.

Details are explained in "Medicines for autonomic imbalance (hormone drugs) given at hospitals".

Estrogen is a type of female hormone. Preparations with estrogen as the main ingredient include not only oral medicines but also transdermal medicines (pastures, ointments, etc.) that act by absorbing the medicine through the skin. will be prescribed. Take drugs for example.

Progesterone is a type of female hormone. Here are some examples of oral medicines whose main ingredient is progesterone.

Formulations combining estrogen and progesterone are also used for autonomic imbalance. Here are some examples of formulations.

7. 11 Kampo medicines effective for autonomic imbalance

Kampo medicines are medicines that try to improve multiple symptoms at the same time, and are suitable when multiple symptoms of autonomic imbalance occur. may be I will introduce the concept of Kampo medicine and an example of Kampo medicine used for autonomic imbalance.

In the concept of Kampo, the symptoms and constitution of each patient are expressed in the word "sho", and in general, Kampo medicines are selected according to each of the symptoms. Details are explained in the column "Choosing Chinese herbal medicine for 10 different people!?"

Yokukansan is used for insomnia due to autonomic imbalance. It is a medicine that is suitable for those who are frail, irritable, and prone to anger.

There is also Yokukansankachinpihange, which is Yokukansan with the herbal medicines Chinpi and Hange added. It is a herbal medicine suitable for proof.

Orengedokuto is prescribed for insomnia due to autonomic imbalance. This herbal medicine is suitable for those who have relatively good physical strength and who are overwhelmed with irritability, headaches, and anxiety.

The constituent herbal medicine, Scutellaria root, has analgesic and sedative effects as well as thermoregulatory effects, and can be expected to alleviate stomach discomfort.

Kihito is prescribed for insomnia and anemia due to autonomic imbalance. This medicine is suitable for those who have a frail constitution, weak gastrointestinal tract, anemia, and anxiety.

Kamikihito is made by adding the herbal medicines Saiko and Sanshishi to Kihito. Compared to Kihito, which is suitable for the anti-stress effect of Saiko, it is said to be suitable for cases with stronger mental symptoms.

Sansoninto is expected to be effective for insomnia in autonomic imbalance. It is suitable for people who are physically and mentally tired, anxious and nervous.

Kamishoyosan is a medicine that is used for autonomic imbalance, symptoms of menopause, sensitivity to cold, dysmenorrhoea, and irregular menstruation.

This herbal medicine is suitable for people with moderate to weak physical strength (slightly thin) who tend to get cold easily. It improves symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and depressive tendencies, and is also prescribed for autonomic imbalance symptoms that make it difficult to use antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs due to side effects.

Touki Shakuyakusan is a herbal medicine that can be expected to be effective against symptoms of autonomic imbalance and menopause, as well as dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and infertility. It works to improve the balance of female hormones.

It is a herbal medicine suitable for people who are weaker than kamishoyosan and who are prone to getting tired easily and getting cold easily. It can be expected to be effective for symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, headache, and palpitations.

Keishibukuryogan has effects on female hormones, and is effective against symptoms such as headaches and dizziness associated with menopause and autonomic imbalance, as well as dysmenorrhea and infertility. It is an effective herbal medicine.

Contrary to toki shakuyakusan, the constitution and physique are moderate to slightly fuller (relatively solid physique, etc.), the complexion is relatively good, and there is pain in the lower abdomen and stiff shoulders. Suitable for people.

Keishibukuryogan is used not only for women, but also for men with stiff shoulders.

Saikokaryukotsuboreito is effective in improving insomnia and neurosis associated with autonomic imbalance, as well as palpitations and stiff shoulders.

It is a herbal medicine that can be expected to be effective for people who have relatively physical strength and who have palpitations, anxiety, irritability, tinnitus, etc.

Hangekobokuto is expected to improve dyspnea and suffocation caused by throat congestion caused by anxiety disorders.

It is a herbal medicine suitable for those who are sensitive to cold and have a feeling of foreign body in their throat.

Hangebyakujutsutenmatou is suitable for autonomic imbalance with dizziness, heaviness in the head, and headache. Hangebyakujutsutenmato is a herbal medicine suitable for those who suffer from poor circulation and weak stomach.

Keishika Shakuyakuto is a Chinese herbal medicine suitable for people with autonomic imbalance and coldness, stomach bloating, and abdominal pain.

8. What to do when the drugs for autonomic imbalance do not work Please consult the doctor who prescribed the medicine.

Including switching to other medications and psychotherapy, you will be able to choose a better treatment based on the information that the first medication is not working. Psychotherapy is explained in "Is psychotherapy effective for autonomic imbalance?"

Some of the drugs used for autonomic imbalance have cautions, such as that if you stop suddenly, side effects are more likely to occur. is dangerous. It is important to inform the prescribing doctor without hesitation if you experience any symptoms that concern you or if you feel that the medicine is not working.

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