Elementary schools with 35 positive children in children ... Announced two people who have been inoculated twice in the new Corona Gifu twice in vaccination

 In Gifu Prefecture, it was found that 850 people were newly infected with the new coronavirus on the 25th.

 Infected 850 people from 0 to 90 years old living in Gifu City and Ogaki City.

 5 new clusters were also confirmed, and 23 children, 2 staff members, and 10 family members of the children living together were found to be infected in 35 people, mainly from 2 classes at the elementary school in Tarui Town. So far, 63 people have been tested at schools.

In addition, Gifu City has announced that a woman in her 100s and a woman in her 70s who live in the city have died.

A total of 35 children have been found to be positive. Elementary school also announced 850 new infected people in Gifu with the new corona, 2 deaths after being vaccinated twice. also announced the death of two people in</p><p> A woman in her 100s was found to be infected and was hospitalized, and a woman in her 70s was being treated at home, although the public health center recommended her to be hospitalized.</p><p> Both of the two women had underlying diseases and had been vaccinated twice.</p><p> The total number of people who died in the prefecture has reached 267.</p><p> The bed utilization rate in the prefecture is 50.4% as of the 24th, and the number of severe cases is 9.</p>Corona vaccine in Gifu Prefecture >>> <h3></h3>Positive elementary school cluster</div>
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