A word of the shock of "different dimension genius" who changed the life of Bezos (Diamond Online) --Yahoo! News



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ベゾスの人生を変えた「異次元の天才」の衝撃の一言(ダイヤモンド・オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

 Jeff Bezos's first book, Invent & Wander, was published. Walter Isuckson, known for the 1 million best -selling Bestsellers "Steve Jobs", is a large topical work written by Mr. Seki, such as "FACTFULNESS", translated. Amazon has created revolutionary hit services one after another, such as Kindle, Prime Video, and AWS, as well as the site, and has changed the world. What are the ideas and behavioral principles of Bezos? He asked Mr. Sekimi, who himself, who is also active in the venture capital business, about the topic of "Invent & Wander" (composition: Iidatetsu, photographed: Chisato Hikita). >>> Click here for the previous article "" See the image of this article] ● Make anything with your own hands ── In "Invent & Wander", Bezos is a Bezos. The episodes in their upbringing and growth process are also talked about. Have you ever been able to make an impression on the translation? Seki Miwa (Seki): Until I translated this book, I didn't know much about Bezos's personal background. His mother became pregnant in high school and gave birth to Bezos at a very young age, and that his parent was called "real father" and that he was a person from Cuba. I didn't know. Bezos is one of the interesting parts that his grandfather is as great as his parents. Bezos's grandfather is a person who does anything himself, fixes it if the bulldozer breaks down, and does not only take care of livestock, but also perform a sick livestock surgery. He was a handmade person who had surgical needles. Bezos was a small room at his home when the Amazon was founded, but he used his own desk. He did not buy a work desk, but bought a wooden door plate to save money and made his own desk using DIY square wood. This famous episode is probably the influence of a grandfather. ● "It is more difficult to be wise than wise." This book also includes a speech that Bezos spoke to the graduates of Princeton University, but the episode was also very impressive. When I was a boy, I saw a grandmother smoking a cigarette, and based on the data I saw in the advertisement of smoking smoking cessation, I calculated that "if I smoked at that pace, my life has shrunk for nine years now." When I said to be proud, my grandmother started crying. At that time, Bezos was seriously told that he was not scolded by his grandfather, but he was seriously instructed, saying, "Jeff is more difficult than wise. Based on the grandfather's words, Bezos talks to students that "talent and choice are different." The smartness is a talent born with it, and the kindness is selected. It is easy to demonstrate because of the nature of the talent, but it is difficult to demonstrate the kindness that is the choice. If you are inadvertent, you will be drowned in your talent. He emits such a message. The story of this "talent and choice" ("INVENT & WANDER" "" Your choice creates you ") is also very interesting. ● The episode of "genius" I met during a student days, "Cosine" was also impressive. Bezos was aiming to be a theoretical physicist when he entered Princeton University, and he actually had good grades, and most of the subjects were A plus. However, when he was in his third year of college, he hit a very difficult -to -deviation equation. I can't solve it for hours with his roommate friend. So the name of a friend named Yosanta came to mind. A friend who was said to be the best in Princeton. If you ask him, you know. So, when I brought a problem to Yosanta, I saw that Yosanta said, "Cosine." That is the answer. Yosanta solved the problem in which the Bezos did not solve for hours. Regarding this event, Bezos says, "It was the moment when my life changed." He realizes that his genius has not become a great theoretical physicist, and then has begun searching for himself. ● What should I do to create a big impact? I think it's true that his friend is better as a theoretical physicist than Bezos. But in response to that event, I was very impressed to me that I was talking about this. If most occupations are in the top 10 %, it will be useful. But in theoretical physics, there is no contribution unless the top 50 people in the world are in the world. ...... I thought I had no point in this world, so I immediately changed my major and decided to study electrical engineering and computer science. ("Invent & Wander") Bezos doesn't make sense to be in the top 10 % of the world. Not in the United States, but in the world. I felt that the height of the standard was very beesos.で す か Is that kind of thought leading to space business? Seki: I think so. I think Bezos has a utilitarian thinking and thinks about what to do in order to achieve the largest number of happiness. Bezos says about the purpose of space development: (Human) energy demand is only increasing. No matter how much energy efficiency is, we will continue to use more energy. ... but fortunately, if you leave the earth, there are a wide variety of resources that we can actually use in the solar system. …… The whole solar system may be able to maintain a 1 trillion population. ("Invent & Wander") Space development affects everyone on the earth, so there is no such impactful activity. Although there is a praise and praise, I realize through this book about how to pursue how to maximize the total amount of "rich number of people x rich degree". Did. 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