Smartphone eavesdropping discovery PRO distributes a manual to protect smartphones from hacking

Detection of smartphone wiretapping PRO distributes a free countermeasure manual to protect smartphones from hacking, hijacking, and remote control by registering on LINE. ■ By registering on LINE, you can obtain a smartphone hacking countermeasure manual.

A manual to protect your smartphone from hacking, Distributed by PRO for detecting smartphone wiretapping

Detection of smartphone wiretapping PRO has started a campaign to give everyone a "manual to protect smartphones from hacking" just by registering on LINE. If a smartphone is hacked, the information in the smartphone may be leaked, the camera and microphone in the smartphone may be used as an eavesdropping device, and damage such as remote control and hijacking may occur. The manual distributed by the company specializes in smartphone hacking countermeasures. ■ How do I get the "Manual to protect my smartphone from hacking"? You can get the manual by accessing the page below, registering on LINE, and sending "Manual request" from LINE.

■ What is the "manual to protect smartphones from hacking"? Regarding the manual to protect smartphones from hacking, according to the Smartphone Eavesdropping Discovery PRO, "The contents are full of trivial knowledge to protect smartphones from hacking. The text consists of more than 12,000 characters, narrows down the main points in an easy-to-understand manner, and provides specific measures that can be taken immediately." is described.” The manual includes: (Damage cases)

(Countermeasures described in the manual) There are also other countermeasures according to various cases. ■ Has your smartphone been hacked? A free diagnosis service over the phone and detection of smartphone wiretapping PRO is for those who can't tell just by reading the manual, whether or not their smartphone has been hacked over the phone.

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