A man who stabbed and abandoned the company president was imprisoned for an indefinite period.


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会社社長を刺殺し遺棄した男に無期懲役 携帯電話の位置情報などで犯人と認定(ABCニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

In January, the Osaka District Court sentenced an acquaintance man to life imprisonment in a case in which a man who was the president of the company was murdered and abandoned in Suminoe-ku, Osaka. According to the ruling, Yuki Kunimoto, a 36-year-old painter who lives in Suminoe-ku, Osaka, is an acquaintance's president, Yusuke Baba (41 at the time), trying to avoid repayment of the debt of 2.8 million yen in January. ) Was killed by piercing the neck with a knife many times, and the body was abandoned in a bamboo grove in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. In previous trials, it was disputed whether the defendant was the criminal, but the Osaka District Court ruled on the 19th that the defendant stopped by the victim's office and visited the abandonment site based on the location information of the mobile phone. Judged that it was recognized. "It is difficult to explain if the defendant is not the criminal," and the defendant was found to be the criminal. He also pointed out that the crime of piercing his neck with a knife many times was "relentless and brutal, and had a strong murderous intention." He sentenced him to life imprisonment as the prosecution requested, saying, "Although there are benefits such as borrowing money from the victim, we cannot find out the circumstances of the amount of selfish crime."


Last updated: ABC News

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