Genius more than Einstein!The anecdote and thought of the devil Neiman who created the computer |

As the most famous scientist in the 20th century, few people have the objection to giving Einstein.His relativity theory has greatly changed the awareness of the world.However, the impact of his theory on the lives of the general public seems to be not so large.Most people's lives may not change so much, whether or not they have relativity.

However, the protagonist of this book, Von Neiman, is different.It is impossible to live in modern times without using "Neumann -type computer".At least, no one who is reading this sentence has not benefited from Neumann.

The mobile phone we are using -whether it's a smartphone or a garage -has a computer.This is called a noiman computer.Because Neumann is moving with a mechanism.Many home appliances have a built -in computer.The TV and microwave in your home will also have computers.It is also a Neumann -type computer.

In fact, most of what is called "computer" in the world is a noiman -type computer.It is not that there is nothing called "non -noiman type", but it is located in a university or corporate laboratory and is not common.

Since various scientists are involved in the invention of the computer, it is not possible to return the credit to Neiman alone, but almost all the computers in the world bear the name of Neiman, and the modern age is his concept.It is a fact that it is on top of.In other words, we may be in Neumann's hand.

This book is a biography of such a great Neumann.Neumann has actually achieved a lot of achievements in addition to computers.However, this book is made without deeply entering there.

Let's take a look at Neumann from its performance, but what he was thinking.Then, you may see a completely different appearance.

This originality of guidelines was enormous.

Neumann is a Budapest person in Hungary.This has a significant impact on his life.During World War II, Hungary became a Nazi puppet nation.He was Jewish, and would fled to the United States.I couldn't return to my homeland after the end of the war.Hungary has become a relative of the Soviet Union.His work in the United States was the development of an atomic bomb.He is also involved in the decision where to drop it.Eventually, it led to the development of a hydrogen bomb that can have more than 100 times more destructive than the atomic bomb.Also, I have experienced that the person who thought like a partner was actually a Soviet spy.

アインシュタイン以上の天才!コンピュータを生んだ悪魔・ノイマンの逸話と思想 | ほんのひきだし

Nazi Germany, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Japan.Just enumerating the name of the country, you can see that Neiman was a person who lived a turbulent half life.Drawing Neumann, which is the same as the history of the 20th century.

Until now, this aspect has tended to be overlooked.When we learn science history, we cannot easily look at the surrounding circumstances.Neumann is a person full of brilliant performance, so just knowing it is full, and there is not much opportunity to touch "what kind of person" or "what you were thinking".However, this book dares to draw Neumann's life -not only work and friendship, but also private, and his brilliant activities exist in the political economy, society, and world situation at the time.He talks about what he did not get.It is a very valuable perspective that you can have this book.

This book has the subtitle "Devil who pretended to be a human".

This is not a strange name.Neumann was often described by people of the same era as being "not human."Because I was incredibly smart.Einstein, who was studying with Neumann, said, "I'm not a genius, Neiman."

One of the most commonly quoted episodes of his talent is the play he was doing as a boy.

In addition, the boy Neiman was able to seek a sum that added all the 6 -digit phone number in the phone book in mental arithmetic.In other words, he was not only excellent in memorization, but his computational power was out.

Reading this book shows that this human ability has never been mutated.He was one person who fostered his abilities depending on his bloodline and home environment.Details will be refrained, but it can be said that you can focus on it, which is one of the important features of this book.

Because it is a new book, this book describes a number of items that are not widely written in the book.After the end of the Cold War, how did Neumann's research change?Where and what are his children doing now?

The most interesting is the following:

This box is currently open.This book adds interesting guesses there.What exactly did the genius scientist have left?

Here, let's pay tribute to this book and Neumann.


(Reviewer: Shinichi Kusano)

* This article was published in Kodansha BOOK Club on March 15, 2021.* The contents of this article are from the time of publication.

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