My daughter who enjoys playing with her husband's iPad, it is suspicious to ask for a password ... I was shocked by the fact

Courtesy of Satomaru (satomaru_ch), a cartoon cut depicting what happened when her daughter was using an iPad


A manga depicting what happened when my daughter was using an iPad has become a hot topic on SNS. One day, a daughter in the lower grades of elementary school was playing happily on her father's iPad. For some reason she says she asks for her password many times, so she checks her iPad ... I asked the author's woman. [Manga] Read the main story

I reconsidered how to use smartphones and tablets

This manga was drawn by comic essay manga artist Satomaru (pen name) (40s). She makes everyday events into manga and announces them on her Instagram and blog "Satomaru Channel". Q. When did you start drawing manga? Mr. Satomaru "Is it from the 4th grade of elementary school? I used to read" Ciao "by imitating the picture of my favorite cartoonist. Recently, I started drawing digitally. "Q. What made you draw this manga? Mr. Satomaru "I drew it because I wanted to make a manga about the feelings that my child was charged for, and the feeling that I was reopened with" Let's make this a story and laugh away! "" Q. I noticed the charge. How did you feel at that time? Mr. Satomaru "I was surprised that my child could operate until I was charged ... I was impatient about how much I was charged !? After that, I forgot that I had registered my credit card. I was wondering why I was able to charge for it. "Q. How much did you charge? Mr. Satomaru "I charged 3 times, and the total is less than 3000 yen. The child didn't recognize that he was charging, and he seemed to think that he could get the in-game item for free. I'm sorry to know that he was charging. I didn't seem to do it. "Q. After that, do you take measures to prevent you from being charged? Mr. Satomaru "I deleted my credit card registration. Also, when my child asked me to enter my password, I started to confirm it properly." Q. Please let me know. Mr. Satomaru "I thought that children shouldn't mess with their smartphones and tablets as they like, and then I started to operate them within the reach of my parents. After that, I decided to let them use the terminal at a fixed time. This time it was my mistake, so I really regret it. "Q. What are your opinions about manga? Mr. Satomaru "I was told that I felt a sense of crisis tomorrow ..." "Recent apps have a good UI, and even children can operate them intuitively, so if you can do anything. There was also an opinion that "it is better to think about it." Q. What do you want to do in your creative activities in the future? Mr. Satomaru "I'm currently drawing comic essays about family stories and my own worries, but from now on, I'd like to draw work-themed manga, gourmet-themed manga, and repo. I would like to continue to read and draw funny comics. "

Otonanser editorial department

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