7 selections of auto call system comparison. Automate questionnaires and reminders! 7 selections of auto call system comparison. Automate questionnaires and reminders!

Last updated: 2021-12-17

This article is for those who are thinking of improving the efficiency and cost reduction of telephone calls such as questionnaire surveys, dunning, and tele-appointment work. Introducing the features of the auto call system using IVR (automatic voice response), the advantages of introducing it, and the comparison points when choosing.

table of contents

What is an auto call system? (Mechanism)

The auto call system is a system that allows you to make a simultaneous call to a specified phone number list using pre-recorded voice. By pushing the buttons on the phone according to the interactive voice response (IVR), the other party can perform two-way communication instead of one-way communication. Since it can be sent in large quantities without human intervention, it is used for various purposes such as reminder communication, questionnaire surveys, attracting customers to events, follow-up calls after sending DMs, and confirmation of appointments.

In the conventional outbound call business (calling), it was natural for the operator to call each call while looking at the telephone number list. However, despite the time and effort required, many issues were raised, such as "the results are not good" and "the psychological burden is heavy". Many companies are introducing the auto call system because it can be expected to reduce operator stress as well as improve work efficiency and reduce costs by automating these.

However, some people may be interested in the auto call system, but may say, "I don't know what to choose based on what criteria." This time, we will introduce the advantages and comparison points of introducing the auto call system to such people in an easy-to-understand manner with a concrete explanation of the system.

In addition, in some call systems for the purpose of tele appointment, making an automatic call itself may be referred to as "auto call", but this article deals only with those that support IVR (automatic voice response). To do. If you would like to know about "auto call" of automatic transmission, please see "15 selections of CTI system comparison! Introduction of how to select from 3 points of stability, efficiency and price".

If you are looking for an auto call system, you can download the service introduction material here.

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Advantages of introducing an auto call system

First of all, what are the actual benefits of using an auto call system? Specifically, the following four can be considered as the merits of introduction.

It is said that the limit of calls that can be made by one operator per day is about 200, but with the auto call system, it is possible to make tens of thousands of calls per day (depending on the system). Since you can freely set the call date and time, you can make a large number of calls intensively during the time when the rate of staying at home is high, or you can make a call outside business hours. By reducing the time to wait for a response and the time to talk to people who have no prospects or willingness to cooperate, we can expect to improve the efficiency of outbound operations.

A certain number of complaints are associated with outbound operations. In particular, the turnover rate of operators is high because it is stressful to make reminder-related contacts and calls with people who have no prospects, and it is difficult for people to gather even if recruited. If it is an auto call system, the system will automatically perform everything from making a call to answering and guiding you, and only customers who are interested can transfer it to the operator. The psychological burden is reduced, and as a result, the retention rate can be expected to improve.

Human-powered outbound work, even if you focus on manual creation and education, ultimately depends on individual abilities such as operator skills and experience. However, the autocall system follows preset voice scripts and segments, so the quality of response is leveled. In surveys and questionnaires, it is possible to prevent human risks such as "the operator unknowingly guides the answer" and "miscounted", and it is possible to obtain more fair results.

As mentioned above, if the turnover rate of operators decreases, the labor cost and labor required for recruitment and education can be reduced. Also, even if you make a large number of calls, you will only be charged for connected calls. Since there is no unnecessary communication during a call, no unnecessary call charges are incurred. Since there is no need to make special capital investment and it can be started at a low cost, it is possible to expect a considerable cost reduction simply by migrating a part of the outbound business to the auto call system.

Examples of using the auto call system (dunning, elections, questionnaires, etc.)

So far, I have roughly explained the mechanism and merits of auto call, but I think that some people may feel uneasy because the business image after introduction has not yet emerged. From here, we will explain in detail how the auto call system is used in the field, giving examples of introduction one by one.

For example, it may be a reminder to a customer who continues to be late or delinquent in a loan or various charges, or a reminder of overdue documents or documents. In the past, it was common to call one by one to remind you, but it is very time-consuming because the content is only the content, the probability of connecting is low, and even if there is a call back, there are many calls back outside business hours. increase. In addition, since troubles are likely to occur during a call, there are problems such as high operator stress and low retention rate.

If you use the auto call system, you can be notified by recorded voice. You can also use push notifications to automate the confirmation of the scheduled return date and the acceptance of resends. You can improve work efficiency by selecting only those who need manual response, such as those who have payment consultations or questions, and transfer them to the operator. By linking with the customer database, you can save the trouble of listing.

For example, polls of political parties related to polls and elections, awareness surveys conducted as part of marketing, awareness surveys, and customer satisfaction surveys conducted at customer centers can be considered. In the past, "immediateness is important, but it takes time to set up a system", "I want to increase the number of required samples, but it costs money", "the survey quality differs depending on the operator", and "it takes time to aggregate the survey results". There was a problem such as.

If you use the auto call system, you can get a large number of samples without relying on human hands, aiming for a time when the rate of staying at home is high. If you use push notifications, you can check attributes such as "gender" and "age" and then conduct various surveys such as "supporting political parties" and "category of interest". Unlike personal surveys, the results obtained can be expected to be fair, and some systems are more convenient because the results can be automatically aggregated and visualized in graphs and tables.

For example, you may want to hold a renewal event, campaign event, etc. to encourage customers to visit the store. In the past, when attracting customers like this, it was common to make phone calls, send DMs, and place advertisements, but "I'm busy and I don't have time to contact individually." There are issues such as "I don't know if the DM has been opened" and "Information is easily buried in advertisements", and it was said that the conventional method had reached a plateau.

With the autocall system, you can approach the listed customers efficiently and accurately. For those who want to know more, you can set it up to get a call back, or you can use it to remind you just before the event. Also, depending on the system, you can expect to create a familiar approach by recording the voices of the store owner and the person in charge who are familiar with the voice, which will lead to an improvement in the store visit rate.

For example, it is possible to confirm the safety of elderly people who are living alone at home. When long-term care is required, it is common for long-term care staff and local government staff to call each case to confirm their safety, but if you try to do it regularly, it will take time and the number of cases will be limited. If you use the auto call system, you can automatically make a call at a fixed time every morning and confirm its safety through push operation.

Can the auto call system be used for sales?

Unlike the ones where the content to be spoken and listened to is decided in advance, the sales are for the customer. Since there are many scenes where flexible and interactive business actions are required, some people may be reluctant to sell using the auto call system. However, the auto call system unfortunately demonstrates its power as a reliable supporter for sales.

Even with a large list of call targets, only a few customers are eligible for sales. With the autocall system, you can efficiently identify and approach prospective customers without spending valuable time and effort on unreachable numbers or prospective parties.

 オートコールシステム比較7選。アンケートや督促も自動化! オートコールシステム比較7選。アンケートや督促も自動化!

For example, first of all, we use the auto call system to send a simple questionnaire about the degree of interest in products for all the lists. Since the call results are accumulated as immediate data, the call results are narrowed down in descending order of interest and listed again as prospective customers. If you prioritize sales based on that list (calling thank you for questionnaires, sending materials, etc.), you can expect more accurate appointments and higher order rates than before.

Compared to other DMs and emails, Teleapo has the advantage of immediacy, but on the other hand, it is often wary and it is easy to hang up at an early stage. However, with an auto-call system, you can hear from the handset (assuming careful guidance and suitable situations) because the automatic voice is heard from the machine, so there is less pressure on the other party and you can always hang up. It is more likely that you will hear the voice from the feeling to the end.

It is also possible to use the auto call system as a supplementary means after shipping, not necessarily as a substitute for DM / email. For example, if the information is simply buried, you can reinforce the effect of DM / mail by using the auto call system as a follow call.

Comparison points of auto call system

Finally, I would like to introduce the points when choosing an auto call system. In order to select the system that suits your company, it is advisable to compare and consider the systems at the following points.

The maximum number of calls that can be made in one hour depends on the service. There is also a system like "MEGA-CALL (Ascend Co., Ltd.)" that can make 300,000 calls per hour. The more you have, the better, but it's better to use it for questionnaire surveys, etc., where the amount of sample is important. Check to see if it fits your customer list.

The voice used for the automatic response is generally the voice of the company's employees, or the script is generally read aloud by the machine sound. Depending on the service, you may be able to use the voice of a professional voice actor, synthetic voice, etc. For example, "EXLINK CALL" can faithfully reproduce the voices of famous talents and characters using the original voice synthesis engine and use it as the voice of automatic response.

It is not necessary if you just want to guide and notify information, but it is important for questionnaires that require certain questions. Do I have to think about the flow in-house, or does the service provider prepare it? It is encouraging to have a template depending on the purpose of use, or to get advice such as "This will increase the response rate". For example, if you have a service such as "Auto Call IVR (Telephone Broadcasting Station)" that has a history of more than 40 years in the IVR area, you can expect the best advice.

In some cases, it may be better to convey some information in text rather than voice. For example, when you want to guide the payee's bank account with a reminder of the unpaid amount. Voice notifications can be misheard or missed, but if you let the customer automatically send an SMS with a specific push operation and send the payee's bank account, you don't have to worry about that. If you're thinking of textual notifications, consider a service that has an SMS notification feature.

The charge for the auto call system generally consists of three charge systems: "How much is the monthly charge", "How much is it for each call connected", and "How much is the call charge for each minute of call". The unit price varies depending on the service, but in the case of "MediaVoice (MediaLink Co., Ltd.)" that appeals to you, the monthly charge starts from 50,000 yen, one call connection is 15 yen, and you are charged for each 3-minute call (both are fixed-line phones). Let's choose the most suitable one after considering how much transmission is made by your company and the length of the recorded voice.

In some situations, automated voice response may not be enough. In that case, it is convenient to have a function to switch to the operator as appropriate, such as by push notification operation.

The phone number displayed on the customer's phone display depends on the service, such as the one that can display the company's phone number as it is, or the one that starts with 0120 or 0570. If you have any hope, check to see if it suits you.

Recommended auto call system

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(Source: Autocall IVR official website)

An auto call system produced by a company specializing in IVR services, which has a history of more than 40 years since its establishment. Service introduction record of more than 1,000 companies, operation record of more than 7,000 lines. Based on our abundant know-how, we can expect proposals for optimal utilization methods. There are two patterns of service provision, and list registration and result data acquisition can be easily performed with the "API auto call" format that links the service with the company's customer management system. You can also make detailed settings such as call time zone, voice, and flow questions. The other is "GUI Auto Call" that can be used simply by uploading the list from the Web management screen and setting the outgoing date / time and voice pattern. Recommended if you want to use it immediately or easily.

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(Source: MEGA-CALL official website)

In addition to automatic voice response (IVR), an auto call system with various functions such as question branching, SMS transmission, operator transfer, and voice recognition. You can make up to 300,000 calls per hour with the outgoing volume according to your request (no limit on the number of outgoing calls). We can handle a variety of telephone services, from call center services to questionnaire surveys, attracting customers to events, bond reminder, and tele appointment services. In addition to voices recorded in-house, synthetic voices or narrator recordings are also possible. The created voice can be changed for each destination phone number by the patented telephone line judgment function (registration required in-house).

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(Source: MediaVoice Auto Call Official Website)

One of the original voice tech IVR system "Media Voice" series. In addition to auto-call, there are products such as "overflow call", "automatic reception IVR", and "CS questionnaire IVR" that can be used from 30,000 yen per month if they are inexpensive, and their high cost performance is attractive. Autocall can be used at a monthly cost of 50,000 yen, and is the lowest level in the industry (call charges are not included) of 15 yen for a landline phone and 25 yen for a mobile phone, and can be used from the day of application at the earliest. The ease of use that allows you to freely customize the voice and call flow is also a point.

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(Source: BizBase Telemarketing Autocall BB Official Website)

An optional system of the cloud-based telemarketing platform "BizBase Telemarketing" that provides one-stop functions required for telemarketing. In addition to the "auto call function" using IVR, "text voice conversion function" that can convert sentences into voice and create automatic voice data, "schedule transmission function", "simple report function", and optionally "SMS transmission" There is a function. Customer relationship management (CRM) can also be used by linking with the BizBase telemarketing system. Three plans are available depending on the number of seats and the functions used, and can be introduced from one seat.

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(Source: Judge Navi official website)

An auto call system provided by a system development company with a track record of over 3,200 installations. Since development, operation, sales, and support are all done in one stop, it is attractive to be able to receive high-quality services at a low price of 3,000 yen per month. It is also a point that the user's voice is reflected frequently in the easy-to-use UI with many system updates. Call timing can be set in small units such as date, time, and day of the week. There is a "call result list generation" and "scenario change setting" function. By linking with other CTI systems such as the company's "List Navigator" and "SCENE CLOUD", it is possible to further improve the efficiency of telephone operations.

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(Source: Autocall EXLINK CALL official website)

An auto call system that can build a voice flow that combines auto call and SMS. After the automatic voice guidance, it is possible not only to forward it to the operator if you are interested, but also to guide you to the website by sending an SMS with a URL. You can set the voice flow easily and freely from the management screen, so you can rest assured. In addition, it has various functions such as transfer function, number notification function, answering machine detection function, call date / time specification function, voice synthesis, and voice recognition (partially customized). There is also a feature in call charges, starting from 9 yen per minute for landlines. There are two plans, shared line and occupied line, which can be selected according to the frequency of use and the content of auto call.

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(Source: Ever Automation official website)

An auto call system that can be introduced at an initial cost of 0 yen. Up to 10,000 calls can be made per hour. The phone number that was not connected is characterized by a call call function that can automatically follow customers, and you can even set the time, such as the same time one hour later or one day later. In addition, there is a "SMS send function" that guides URLs and transfer destinations by SMS upon request, and a "delivery stop function" that excludes phone numbers that you do not want to call by pressing a specific button. Equipped with many convenient functions. It is also a point that you can use professional narrator voice and call from various numbers such as 03, 045, 0120, 0800.

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An auto-call system that can make a simultaneous call to a large number of customer lists using pre-recorded voice (automatic telephone answering) is effective in improving the efficiency of call operations such as reminder communication, questionnaire surveys, and attracting customers to events. Even for telephone sales, which are often skeptical, it is expected to be effectively utilized, saying, "It is more efficient to find potential customers by using the auto call system than by calling the dark clouds."

In order to select a system that suits your company, first consider which of the following purposes you want to use, such as dunning, elections, and questionnaires, and then "how many call destinations (lists) you have" and "what kind of call flow / branch". It is a good idea to compare and examine each system based on "what kind of voice do you think about?" And "what kind of voice do you use?"

If you are looking for an auto call system, you can download the service introduction material here.

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Autocall IVR

Autocall IVR

A service that automates outbound operations with IVR. More than 5,000 automatic calls can be made per hour. Optimal utilization method based on the knowledge of the leading company of IVR service ...

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BizBase Telemarketing

BizBase Telemarketing

[Compatible with both inbound and outbound] A telemarketing platform equipped with one-stop functions required for telephone operations, such as CRM functions, call history management, and call recording ...

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