56, education (2021 general election / each field policy) │ Policy in each field (2021) │ Policy of the Japanese Communist Party │ Japan Communist Party Central Committee

56, education

To education that cherishes children's dignity

October 2021

 I want to take care of each child.The wish of such people has realized a reduction in class scale (35 classes) for the whole elementary school for the first time in 40 years.In the Corona crisis, the Japanese Communist Party proposed to give children a small mathematics class, and have been working with the people.In addition, there is no school installation standard only for special support schools, and the classroom is partitioned by curtains, used in two classes, and continues to take over the overcrowded problems such as no library or music room, and finally established the school installation standard.Was realized.

 At the same time, the situation about children with children, such as the rapid increase in school refusal in recent years and increasing suicide by children, is serious.Behind this is the competition and management of the self -government administration in education.In addition, the burden of educational expenses, which is too heavy from the world, is a factor in widening disparities and poverty.The super busy faculty and staff is not allowed to leave any more.

 The Japanese Communist Party will take advantage of the Constitution and the Convention on the Rights of Children from the standpoint of supporting the dignity of each child, listening to the public's opinions, taking advantage of the education issues.

Create a school that supports children firmly under the Corona crisis, such as acceleration of small -group classification.

 The school has many difficulties, such as incorrect response to the government, such as a uniform school last year, and has no events, cannot create interpersonal relationships, and expands academic ability and experience in the home environment.Stress of children, such as the spread of depression, has been pointed out.Creating a school that supports children under the Corona crisis is an urgent issue in Japanese education.

Advanced education: Urgent teachers and staff will be accelerated from next fiscal year.

 Originally, Japanese teachers were too few, and long working hours were social issues.The burden is limited to disinfection, temperature inspection, online combined classes, and care for children derived from corona.However, the government is about to reduce the number of teachers next year by 777.

――In order to support the children under the corona, we will increase the number of faculty members of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.Private schools will also respond by increasing private school subsidies.

――After the next fiscal year, this urgent increase will be used, and based on the opinions of the stakeholders, we will accelerate the classification of small mathematics so that all of the elementary, middle and high schools will be around 20 people in the future.

Flexible education ... Stop imposing the learning guidelines and promote education according to the actual situation of children.

 Among the self -government administration's learning guidelines, giving priority to securing class hours and reducing events and holidays has expanded in various places, giving children a new stress.The school guarantees the first child's first response.

―― Stop imposing the learning guidelines, enable flexible education according to the actual situation of the children, learn important matters in class, and guarantee voluntary activities and play such as events.increase.

――If you are under Corona, we will flexibly respond to various children, such as wanting to stay at school and wanting to accept schools even in schools.Online can be treated as a response in the event of a disaster.

Scientific infection measures

 Scientific infection measuresを重視し、"リスクが少ない運動場の使用をやめる""クラスで陽性者が出ても1人も検査しない"などのちぐはぐな対応を改善します。

――It is impossible to provide advice on infection measures only by the Board of Education, and we will create a system for collaboration in medical care and education in the prefectures in order to educate scientific knowledge such as the Pediatrician Association.

――If you have a positive person, you will be able to perform PCR tests not only for rich contacts but also for the entire class.We will make regular inspections, such as distributing the inspection kit to faculty and staff, to children.

――Emphas of various learning and dialogue on new colon viruses and mechanisms of infection with children, the children are convinced and select reasonable infection measures, and are created, such as “Let's continue club activities.”Make sure you can live a school life.

Changes the educational administration of school democratic management and downscape.

 Educational administration and school management, which are intensely reduced, stiffen the response under the corona, causes confusion, and damages the feelings of faculty and staff, parents, and children.We emphasize the formation of consensus at the staff meeting and encourage the democratic operation of a school that values children's opinions and communicating with parents.

We look into the negative heritage of "Abe Education Revitalization", guarantee the independence of education, and improve educational conditions.

 The self -government has brought more competition and management to schools before and after the basic education laws. The national academic test has caused average score competition in various places, and drills and tests have been repeated. With the government recommending zero trolance (zero tolerance), there are more detailed rules for children's actions. Under the continuation of educational measures against children's personality and diversity, the ratio of school refusal has been 1.7 times in seven years (2012-2019. Record the highest). According to the principal of Osaka City, whose competition and management are noticeable, said, "Teachers and staff are not able to work rooted in the essence of education related to the growth of children, and do not know what they are joyful. I will give a letter to the mayor who appeals to the mayor, which is resonating. The failure of the "Abe Education Revitalization" route is clear. We look into the negative heritage, adjust the rich educational conditions, and turn into an educational policy that guarantees the independence of education.


――The teacher's license renewal system, a national academic power test (all all ), zero tolerance (zero tolerance), the teacher's evaluation system, and the formation of a staff meeting take up a “negative heritage” for education.We will recover the independence of education that values children.

―― We will completely cut off the introduction of English private examinations and the “description formula” problem, which is less rational and disadvantageous for the university entrance examination.

――The moralization of morals by the Abe administration teaches children from the top, “Be a good child” and “complies with the rules”, and the way of citizen moral based on basic human rights, personal dignity, and diversity.It is contrary to.Stopping on the subject, the whole school life values the basic human rights and the rights of children, and the education of citizen morals in which each child can form a value -like value.

―― We stop the government's unjust intervention in textbook descriptions such as “comfort women”.Education on patriotism can only be coexisted with people around the world only by conveying the issues of colonial rule and invasion war, which has been held with a narrow patriotism before the war.

――It opposes the forced of “Hinomaru / Kimigayo” that violates Article 19 of the Constitution (thoughts, conscience, and inner freedom).Entrance and graduation ceremonies will be decided based on discussions on teachers, children, and parents so that they are the best for children.Even if the agreement sings "Kimi -gai", it will clarify that both students and teachers have freedom to refuse singing like the United States, and protect their freedom.


 Many students, such as "no part -time job and no money" and "one meal a day", have fallen in need of meals.For a high tuition and poor scholarship system, the Corona crisis hit the current situation where student life could not be established without part -time jobs.

 European countries are free of tuition or very small amounts, and high school expenses in Japan are abnormal in the world.This is the result of the lack of budget for education, and the lack of a shortage of the people is covered by the heavy education expenses of the people.Japan's educational budget is 37th in 38 countries, which can be compared with OECD member countries (OECD announced in September 2020).

 Education is a right and must not be restricted for economic reasons.The government says "beneficiary burden", but higher education is an indispensable part of the students who have learned and are indispensable as the power of society as a whole, and should be free.There is a way.

Half of tuition fees -The tuition of universities, junior colleges, and vocational schools will be reduced to half the price, aiming to free higher education.

The abolition of the admission fee -eliminates the admission system.It is not rational to pay a high admission fee and not refund even if you do not enroll.

Expansion of scholarships -Created and expand a system that can be used by 750,000 people (half of the current scholarship users) for benefit scholarships for "40,000 yen at home and 80,000 yen outside home".We will make all scholarships incomplete.Create a reduction / exemption system in the event of a scholarship repayment.

Strengthening Corona Countermeasures -Corona -supporting support for colona, such as continuous implementation of student support emergency benefits, tuition subsidies for students who have postponed graduation, and postponed graduates.

Expansion of "high school free" -If you reduce the burden of private high schools, we promote high school education free.(For more information (6) for private school items).Eliminate income restrictions for free tuition fees for public high schools.

 Application of free of charge to Korean schools -the self -government government has excluded Korean schools from "free high school" and "free childcase".However, this is a discriminatory measure that violates the international human rights of human rights, such as domestic and foreigners.In 2019, he received a correction recommendation from the UN / Child Rights Committee.Apply free of charge to Korean schools.

Eliminating the burden in compulsory education -We promote free school lunches in Article 26 of the Constitution, which stipulates that compulsory education is free.Eliminate the education expenses left in compulsory education.

Expansion of schooling assistance -school school assistance system is a lifeline to guarantee compulsory education for children who are economically difficult.However, when the "child poverty" was serious, the self -government has abolished the national treasury burden on the system and reduced schooling assistance in various places.Return to the national treasury burden system, expand the target up to 1.5 times, increase the amount of payment, and make it easy to use.The amount of educational assistance is also raised in the same way.


 Education of children with disabilities must guarantee the right to grow and develop the child and realize the "complete and effective participation in society" for people with disabilities.From that point of view, we aim to realize the following policies.

Eliminating classrooms and teachers in special support schools -as a result of the rapid increase in the construction of schools as the number of children enrolled in special support schools is increasing rapidly, "Special classrooms are crushed and diverted to ordinary classrooms"There are situations that are unthinkable in elementary and junior high schools, such as partitioning the classroom with curtains and using the two classes.Making use of the school installation standards that have been enacted by exercise, we will add special support schools to apply it to existing schools properly, and we will fully promote narrow and large -scale elimination.We will raise the national subsidy rate for school construction and promote construction.

Increased teachers according to the actual situation of severe duplication of disability -The severe duplicate class has been institutionalized in order to respond to severe duplication of children's disabilities, but during this time, it is not the case that it is not so duplicated.There is a problem of reducing teachers.As a result, serious problems have occurred, such as the lack of support for children at school sites.We perform severe duplicate certifications and increase teachers.Increase the school bus and pay the burden on going to school.We will promote the guarantee of the dormitory for all necessary children.We will provide a support system for the entire region, such as networks with specialized organizations such as medical and welfare, and patrol consultation.

Improve the number of teachers in special support classes and increase the number of teachers -Increase the number of teachers to respond to the complication of children in special support classes.(1) Improved class knitting standards from the current 8 people to 6 people.I can do it.Improve mechanisms such as recruitment and transfer that teachers have specialty about special support education.

We will promote conditions for the class guidance classes -The passing classroom is for children with developmental disabilities who are presumed to be hundreds of thousands of people, and for children who need to support due to various reasons.It plays an irreplaceable role.The maintenance is delayed, and situations such as "I can't enter even if I wish" is spreading.We will clarify the potential needs of the passing classroom, make a maintenance plan based on it, and increase the number of classrooms.Improve teachers to place one teacher placed in 10 students.

Learning of learning after graduating from high school -In the school education method, we will position a major in special support schools who want to continue learning and are opened to high school students with disabilities.

Establishment of special support education systems at high schools and universities -more children and students who need special support in high schools, universities, and vocational schools.We will establish conditions such as the arrangement of the necessary teachers and specialized support staff.

Excessive competition and management, schools that do not eliminate children -parents who want children to receive professional education that is in the background of the number of special support schools and classes.There is also a wish, but excessive competition and management, such as "increasing the average score of the academic test" and "holding down children with power", has spread that children are becoming more difficult for children.Improve excessive competition and management, and make a school with a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere that is not excluded by any child.

Examination of educational system suitable for inclusive education -UN's "Treaty of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (May 2008) is a society where people with disabilities guarantee human rights as separated from those who do not have a disability.In order to realize, we propose "inclusive education" in the field of education (education in which children with disabilities are not excluded from general education systems and guarantee participation).To do so, it is important to be important for children to "maximum development" and "complete and effective participation in society".The Japanese education system will be improved by forming a national consensus so that the education system is suitable for inclusive education.Among them, we will consider making special support schools into small -scale dispersal community -based types.


 (For more information, "Increase the number of faculty and staff, and to correct the unusual long working hours in a place for better education.")

56, education(2021総選挙/各分野政策)│各分野の政策(2021年)│日本共産党の政策│日本共産党中央委員会

With an increase in the number of teachers by 20 %, the most common cause of "classes in four -day faculty members per day" -The biggest cause of super -getting busy is that there are too few faculty members than schools.Return to the origin of the country set up by the country to end the work at the prescribed working hours, and increase the necessary teachers by returning to the starting point of "four -day classes a day."Specifically, we plan to increase the number of teachers at elementary and junior high schools by 90,000 teachers.At the same time, we will promote the small mathematics class.High schools and special support schools make similar plans.The number of nurses, clerks, and business employees will also increase.Counselors and school social workers are not part -time workers who can only come to school as they are now, but are a full -time employee who can be stationed in school.

Reduction of unnecessary and urgent tasks expanded due to "educational reform", reduction of burden on club activities — ① Country and local governments will reduce and discontinue educational measures that are burdening the site.(2) In the school, we will reduce and discontinue unnecessary urgent tasks based on the discussions of faculty and staff.③ We will reduce the burden on club activities.

The reform of the legal system for overtime pay -the collapse of the legal system for zero overtime pay has been pointed out by justice.It is clear that the lack of overtime pay is one of the factors that endless working hours.The overtime pay of the Special Salary Measures Law for Public Service will be abolished.

The abolition of the deformed labor system -the government has been revising the law that enables the introduction of a transformation labor system to public teachers under the name of "work style reform", but is it more long -term work?Not something.At our party's question, it was highlighted that the conditions of the introduction were not in the current school.Opposition to the introduction of the local government, we will abolish the originally enforced system itself.

Regularization and treatment of non -regular teachers — ① Raise too low salary.② Prohibit discrimination due to sick leave, positive leave, and participation in staff meetings.(3) Review the "constant collapse" system, which has a rapid increase in temporary teachers, and full -time teachers are basically regular employment and promote normalization.④ The abolition of the constant improvement plan, so prefectures and government -designated cities have no prospect of regular recruitment.Formulate a plan and make it easier for regular recruitment.

Respect teachers as professionals and guarantee independence -Teachers are professionals and cannot work responsibly in a downsits.This is a rule of the world that is also specified in the "ILO UNESCO's recommendation on the status of teachers."We respect teachers as education experts so that we can play an important role not only in school management but also in the decision on educational policies.

Abolition of teaching license renewal system, voluntary training guarantee -Available in ten years, introduced by the self -government administration, a teacher's license renewal system, a few teachers retired mid -career and seriously shortage of teachers in various places. It was caused. Finally, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has to decide the direction of abolition of the system. Be sure to abolish it. However, the ministry is working on a new control of teachers 'training, such as managing the full record of teachers' training instead of the abolition of the system. We do not allow such control. Teachers' training is a “research and training” that guarantees independence, which is a training for improving the work efficiency of administrative staff. We will significantly reduce administrative -led government -made training and guarantee the voluntary training of teachers as a right. "Insurance teachers" labeled, "weeding" and "keeping sitting in a closed room" only keeps teachers as humans, and are radically reviewed. In addition, teachers who hurt their children will resolutely deal with the safety of children from the standpoint of priority and human dignity, and emphasize the support of the teachers who are involved in the human recovery. We will take support measures such as.


 Tablet terminals have been distributed at elementary and junior high schools, and their use has begun.ICT is useful for temporary closed school due to infectious diseases.At the same time, everyday use at school is required to take advantage of the development and health of children, including conditions, and respond.

Eliminating the burden of parents ... Tablets are free of charge during the compulsory education stage, but communication costs are available when it is broken or used at home.We are seeking not to bear the burden of parents, including the warranty in the case of damage.Also, in high school, the tablet itself has a self -pay.It should be free from the standpoint of high school free.

How to use it will be left to teachers ... ICT does not necessarily be a good class.The quality of the class is in the research of teachers themselves, and in a living exchange between children, children and teachers.ICT is just that assistance.There are some teachers and weaknesses, and how to use it can be reduced to the quality of the lesson if you do not leave it to individual teachers.It is the end of the book that the use of a tablet is self -purpose and thoroughly used.

Research and countermeasures and countermeasures about the negative effects on children's health and development of ICT ... Many experts have pointed out health hazards such as ICT's myopia and online addiction.In addition, many researchers point out that thinking deeply by using ICT is hindered.With the illusion that education will be rosy if the ICT is introduced, it focuses on research and countermeasures on health and development.

Protection of child's personal information ... If a child uses a tablet, as a result of practice, daily life will be accumulated in the cloud as a "learning log".We will promote effective ways to prevent these protected personal information from leaking into the educational industry.

About digital textbooks ... criticized that there is a risk of health damage and that it is not enough to consider educational effects, including negative examinations (④).Overseas, there is a case where it is once introduced to return to paper textbooks from health damage and educational effects.The Japanese Communist Party did not oppose a bill that would be possible to introduce it because it was easy for children with visual impairment to be easy to see, but the overall introduction needs to be carefully considered by many stakeholders.

Increasing the number of ICT supporters ... The busyness of teachers has reached the limit that can be seen in the "flame" of "Teacher Baton".In addition to Corona countermeasures, it will be a more serious situation if the teachers are borne by the introduction of ICT.The national policy is one of the two schools, but the party is seeking one place in one school.

Conditions that make use of ICT in education, such as small mathematics classes, have been promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that the urgent spread of tablets to schools.There, "students ... it is common to watch online lecture videos such as teachers at their favorite school on a tablet and learn individually according to their progress."The next proposal) was conceivable to be transparent and inexpensive education without teachers.On the other hand, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has expressed the direction of using ICT for two -way "collaborative learning", but if you really want to do "collaborative learning", you are the freedom of teachers., A small mathematics class of about 20 to 30 people is required.


 Private schools are one of the public education guaranteed by the constitution, and has an irreplaceable role in the spirit of construction and the unique education philosophy of the people who seek various education.The Japanese Communist Party supports private schools and has a rich development.

The establishment of the "Private School Corona Countermeasures Subsidies" -The "Subsidy Service", which does not pay a single yen without the burden on the private school, cannot be used for Corona Pandemic comparable to a catastrophe.Established a full -scale "private school colona countermeasure subsidy", (1) actual amount of assistance such as disinfection (including outsourcing) and testing, (2) a maximum of 5 million yen for Corona measures (currently 500,000 yen)Make sure you can do it and assist it as many times as needed.The arrangement of nursing teachers, which is indispensable for infection countermeasures, has a gap between public and private.By expanding private school subsidies, you can place a nursing teacher like a public.

A small mathematics class of private schools -to support the individuality of various children, to prevent infectious diseases, is now the time to take a small mathematics class.Private school subsidies are drastically increased, and private schools are also in the era of small -class classification.

Dedicated to non -regular teachers -the appeal of private schools is that you can meet your teacher for years after graduation.However, the percentage of non -regular teachers only increases, and the ratio is about 40 %.Like a full -time teacher, he has unstable, has low annual income, and has no retirement allowance.Increase the dedicated rate by expanding private school subsidies.

Private high schools free of charge -Available in the increase in the national private school budget, (1) stop the income restricted by the self -government administration, and all the students will provide the same tuition fee as public high school tuition.(2) Tuition fee is expanded to families with an annual income of 9.1 million yen or less.③ Entrance fee and facility equipment costs are also eligible for free.④ Expand the national scholarship benefits so that you can guarantee commuting and living expenses.

Enhancement of tuition support systems for private junior high school students -Improve the support system that is launched by the country into a more reality, so that you do not give up the school due to sudden household changes.

Expansion of private school ordinary expenditure subsidies -The fiscal expenditure per student will correct the public and private disparity of about one -third of public and private.For the time being, we will realize early realization of regular costs 1/2 and to realize subsidies to school buildings.

Private schools are important in the protection of "freedom of private schools" -Progenous schools to enrich the entire education in Japan by promoting education with the spirit of construction and more free ideas.From this point of view, we position private schools as one of the public education, provide a lot of public financial support, guarantee "freedom of private schools" and protect the independence of private schools.In 2007, the "Education Three Laws" reforms, which were forced by the self -government administration, are in danger of overstopting the power control of private schools.In response to the Japanese Communist Party's Diet questions, the government acknowledged that "respect for the construction of private schools" and responded that teachers and school evaluations were not considered to be a requirement for granting private school subsidies.Based on these things, we will focus on protecting the independence of private schools.


School facilities such as coolers and toilets -school facilities must be fully maintained because they are not only the safety and health of children, but also regional shelters and disaster prevention bases.(1) Seismic resistance including non -structural members, (2) installed coolers such as gymnasiums and special classrooms, (3) Western -style toilets, (4) maintenance of aging school buildings (1) necessary water, fuel, blankets, etc. as evacuation shelters and disaster prevention bases.We recommend barrier -free, such as maintenance, ⑥ elevator installation.For this reason, the budget for school facility maintenance is increased and the subsidy rate and auxiliary unit price are raised.

Enhancement of school lunches -Safety, allergic support, and a private outsourcing and delivery methods that have many problems in ensuring quality, and for safe and rich school lunches, local production local consumption, self -management method, and direct -managed methodI will recommend.We spread junior high school lunch and high school lunch.Instead of taking all the unpaid school lunch expenses to parents, we will consider free of charge and promote necessary exemptions according to the actual situation of life.In addition, one school nutrition staff and nutrition teachers are placed in one school.

One -sided opposition to school consolidation -the self -government government has been promoting school consolidation to reduce education budgets, and unilateral abolition is being enforced in various places.However, small schools have excellent aspects such as their eyes on each child, and have an irreplaceable role in maintaining and developing the region.The consolidation has disadvantages, such as the decline of local educational power, the child's commuting for a long time, and the safety of the safety in case of emergency.It opposes unilateral abolition of children's education and jeopardizes the survival of the region, and supports the localization of small schools in the region and promoting regional development.

There are various cases of small and junior high schools, junior and senior high schools -the introduction of elementary and high schools, and the introduction of junior and senior high schools.The greatest aim is to promote school consolidation in the “elementary school integrated school” concept recommended by the self -government administration.In addition, there are many problems, such as the loss of the growth of children who had been in elementary school, such as the awareness of the upper grades of elementary school, the school's mammoths, the junior high school testing system and the strict management expanded to elementary schools.During this time, the "small and middle school" and "Super high school" have an exceptional budget at the same public schools.In this way, it can promote educational gaps.We emphasize improvement of educational conditions in all schools.

Development of educational conditions for foreign children -It is clear that about 20,000 children who have lived in Japan and have compulsory education ages who do not go to school.I did (MEXT estimation).Foreign countries in Japan, such as the establishment of a system to accept public schools, support for foreign schools, establishing a Japanese language class, and improving the qualifications to public high schools based on the international human rights rules of the children, the provisions of children's rights that guarantee domestic and foreign people equality.Guarantees the education of human children.For children's lives, we will improve the wages of foreigners, improve poor working conditions, make welfare and medical care easier, and promote coexistence in the region.

Promotion of opening public night junior high schools -for many people who could not receive education due to the turmoil and economic reasons of war, children who did not go to school, disabilities, return to China and foreigners in Japan.It is a place for irreplaceable compulsory education.However, there are only 34 schools nationwide in public night junior high schools.Taking advantage of the ensuring method for ensuring the Educational opportunity established in December 2016, we will hurry to establish a council in all prefectures and open a public night junior high school.In addition, the age of schooling assistance, the arrangement of teachers at night junior high schools and the training security, the arrangement of Japanese leading students who account for 80 % of the current students, the barrier -free, and the publicity of the voluntary night junior high school.We will promote support.

The expansion of social education -Public social education facilities such as libraries, museums, and public halls have been used by the Board of Education from the perspective of ensuring the neutrality, continuity, and stability of education. However, in the previous parliament (May 2019), if local governments enacted the ordinance, the law has been reformed so that the library and other areas can be used by the chief department, which has a political neutrality. Social education guarantees the right to learn by residents and plays many roles, such as forming local communities and supporting children and parents. In order to demonstrate such a role, we do not allow transfer to the chief department of social education facilities, reduce social education budgets, pay for facilities, and stop reorganization of social education facilities under the plan to reorganize public facilities. We will promote the expansion such as, and increase the number of staff members such as social education manager. Social education, which is a place for learning for residents, is indispensable for expression and freedom of learning, and opposes the infringement. Increase the declining children's house.

Public library, school library → another sectional policy "57 library"


 Protection of children's rights is positioned as the most important task of school and educational administration, and the child, faculty and parents are informed of the child's rights treaty.The Child's Rights Committee has been seeking the Japanese government to correct the "extreme competitive education system" and the child's "right to express their opinions", but the self -government administration has been ignoring them.Change such attitude, and make use of the rights of children, such as "the best interests of children", "the right to express opinions", "Leisure / rest, play, culture rights", and "Citizen freedom", and use laws and systems.I will review it.

Solving bullying problems, ignoring the complaint and eradication of hidden -up -the bullying gives the opponent shame and fear, tries to dominate as desired, and sometimes catches the child until he dies.Many bullying victims can hurt their lives.Bullying is human rights violation and violence in any form.The emphasis is on social issues that the bullying is spreading to schools nationwide, and in the following directions, we will work with school officials and people.

 As a school response, (1) Establishing the principle of the highest priority of life that does not delay the correspondence to bullying (safety consideration obligations), (2) Sharing information on teachers and parents to respond without showing small things.Emphasis, (3) increase the specific gravity of children's voluntary activities, create human relationships that stop bullying, ensure the safety of victims, and respond firmly to the perpetrators until they stop bullying.We respect the "right to know" and suggest that the school does not hire the information we have grabbed.

 As a government -side condition development and response, (1) elimination of teachers, promotion of small mathematics classes, increased school nurse teachers and counselors, training for bullying problems, (2) A national center that can handle serious cases.The establishment of the center, ③ Instead of going against bullying, such as strict punishment, operate the "bullying countermeasures method" in the direction of guaranteeing the right to live in children, ④ (4) Going back to bullying, "half bullying", etc.We propose a number of educational policies such as numerical goals and teachers evaluation from the top of faculty and staff.

 Unfortunately, it is unfortunate that the victim's dignity is damaged by double triple, such as ignoring the victim's complaints or hiding the facts later.Based on the opinions of the stakeholders, we will take measures to prevent them from recurring.

 Click here for details →

 Proposal of schools and society without "bullying" by the Japanese Communist Party (November 28, 2012)

 The Japanese Communist Party's views on legislation related to bullying (June 3, 2013)

Emphasis of gender equality, respect for diversity such as LGBT -Gender equality, scientific sex education based on recording health and rights (gender and reproductive health and rights), to build human relationships that respect each other.Comprehensive sex education such as thinking and skills will be performed consistently in developmental stage in school education.We encourage the overall school life to review the whole school life from a gender equality perspective, such as eliminating gender uniforms and distributing free of charge for male and female uniforms.

 A notice of a country seeking appropriate consideration for children (LGBT), including homosexuality and gender identity disorder, (acknowledging gender uniforms and gym clothes that students have acknowledged, "" longer than standard "Recognize the hairstyle in a certain range (male on the family register), "Acknowledge the use of a health room separately when changing clothes", "Acknowledge the use of a single room on a school trip and shift the bathing time").It develops from the point of view of sexual respect.We emphasize that faculty and children and children will understand.

Withdrawal of "Zero Torrance (Topy Zero)", corporal punishment and "Guidance Death" -1 "Zero Torance (Zero Topy)" introduced by the Abe administration (school's "rules" forced children without questioning and violating children.Continuing to punish people without asking questions), which has been deeply damaged by children in the introduced school and destroys warm human relationships that are essential for schools.It will be withdrawn as a national guidance advice.

 Under the name of "guidance", there are "guidance deaths" that hunt down children with violence and rants, and led to death.We aim to be a school that both children and faculty and staff are cherished as humans.

 Submission of children with physical distress and fear can leave a complicated and deep wound not only in the body of a growing child but also in the mind.Despite being clearly prohibited by law, the fact that teachers still have rants and violence in a few schools are a major issue in Japanese education.However, some of the political circles, such as the LDP, have tide trends that allow corporal punishment.The Japanese Communist Party does not allow such a trend, starts with many people about why corporal punishment is not allowed, and does to do their best to eliminate corporal punishment from the school.

Thorough safety obligations -Children's accidents at school are constant, and there are no children who die or suffer from sequelae.The center of the countermeasures is that the school, schools, and faculty members are the most important thing in schools, which prioritizes children's lives.We support the enactment of the "School Safety Law" and "School Safety Ordinance" that guarantees the "right to receive safety in education", such as specifying "safety obligations".

Public support for school refusal children -the ratio of school refusal increased rapidly during this time, increasing 1.7 times in seven years (2012-19, then presented in 2020 surveys.Record a record high. Including it, 1.9 times in 8 years from 2012 to 20).This indicates how a school is for children.Against that background, there may be educational measures against the individuality and diversity of children after the Abe administration.School refusal is based on the way of society and education, and it is incorrect to be responsible for the person or home.

 The following policies will be promoted from the position of children, the rights to educational education, the right to rest with peace of mind, and the right to live on their own. ① Expand the window where children and parents can consult with peace of mind. (2) Expand public facilities that do not assume returning to school as a place for children. (3) We will accept various places for learning (free schools, free spaces, etc.) other than schools, provide public support, and aim for the same support as schools. ④ We provide public support for parents' associations that support child care in school refusal. ⑤ Make the school a school that can rest with peace of mind for all children, and releases the child from tension. ⑥ Correct measures to keep children and parents on the premise of returning to school, such as "halved school refusal in three years" and "zero school refusal strategy". ⑦ We will promote the operation of the “Education Association Enseling Law” to prevent children and parents from further hunting down, and to review and review the public support for various places that support children in school refusal.

Freedom of political activities of children such as high school students -the constitution guarantees all the people the freedom of political activities, and high school students have freedom of political activities.True high school students participate in various political issues such as peace and environmental issues.However, the country has issued notifications for high school students to prohibit and restrict political activities (October 2016), and some high schools have a notification of even listening to rally or listening to speeches.In opposition to such restrictions on violations of the Constitution, the freedom of political activities such as high school students will be guaranteed as the general public.


 Article 26 of the Constitution stipulates the right to receive national education.Education specified by the Constitution is not the right to educate, but the right to learn and grow children, and are the work of the whole society to satisfy it.As before the war, it is incompatible with the spirit of the constitution that the power of time affects education as “education is for the nation”.However, during this time, during this time, during this time, the Basic Law of Education has deteriorated, incorporating patriotism, etc., and has strengthened its rough political intervention in education.Based on the spirit of the Constitution and the Child's Rights Convention, we will review the laws and systems related to poor education.

Changes the Basic Law on Education based on the Constitution and Children's Rights -National Law (2006), which promotes national control to education (2006), based on the Constitution and the Convention of the Child RightsWe will set up a place to proceed with discussions.Among them, we emphasize that we will reflect on pre -war education and inherit and develop the spirit of the early post -war education (1947), which is the "completion of personality".

Review of the Board of Education System -The Board of Education System has also been deteriorated by the Abe administration to weaken the power of the resident's representative.As a result, in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, four out of six members, which make up the Board of Education, have been mobilized despite the opposition to the paralympic children.The Board of Education will be reviewed to review the system so that the rights can be independent of politics for children.

 April 18, 2014, 2014, which opposes the Abe administration's "Board of Education Refreshing Law"


 It has been the 10th year since the East Japan Earthquake, but there are still many problems that should be solved in education in the affected areas.We are currently inadequate to radioactive contamination due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and we are not worried about children's exposure.The damage caused by earthquakes in Kumamoto, Hokkaido, etc. is also serious.Children are hope for reconstruction.Do your best to guarantee the growth and safety of the children.

Supporting the expenses of the victims and the life -destruction of parents' living infrastructure due to the earthquake will have a serious effect on children, such as abandonment of school and neglect due to poor life.In addition to seeking the revival of the living infrastructure as a general rule of reconstruction, a "benefit -type scholarship" (tens of thousands of yen per month to 100,000 yen per month) that does not require repayment to the victims is established, and private high schools and specialized training for victims.Expansion of tuition reduction and exemption for schools, various schools, universities, etc., the school lunch expenses in the stricken areas, the cost of teaching materials, etc., to be miscelled until reconstruction, school social workers that support parents' lives into junior high school wards.We will take at least one or more people, to eliminate children's educational expenses and concerns about life from education.The earthquake will lose their parents and expand their support for orphans.

Full -amount of school reconstruction and educational conditions development -In the case of large -scale disasters such as earthquake and tsunamis, school rebuilding will be promoted as a whole.In addition, it will be possible to rebuild based on local requests, rather than mechanically sticking to the laws of "returning to the original."We oppose the earthquake and oppose the government unilaterally proceeding with school consolidation.We will take the same measures as public schools to rebuild and repair private schools, vocational schools, and various schools.

Continuing of the affected areas teachers, continuing the affected and student school school support support project -Changes in the living environment and family economic situation, such as relocation to a disaster public housing, have a significant impact on children's hearts and have increased school refusal.The number of children holding is increasing.In Fukushima Prefecture, where the nuclear power plant accident had occurred, many children continue to evacuate to other prefectures.Continue and expand the faculty -related faculty and school support project in the stricken area until the reconstruction is actually ended.It is wrong to revive the educational earthquake with an increase in the score of the child's "academic test".Education and care that snuggles up to the heart of a child who is deeply damaged, and the rich learning of the earthquake experience is the education of the earthquake.

Scientific education guarantee about nuclear power and exposure -Since 2002, since 2002, it has been a biased nuclear power promotion education using special energy accounting for nuclear power.Already, the "Waku Waku Nuclear Land", which has already written "nuclear power safety myth", was "reviewed" by the pursuit of our party, but the subsequent deputy materials issued were reflected on the nuclear accident and safety myth.There is no way to give children underestimation of radioactivity and exposure.The impact of these nuclear power promotion education will be voluntarily stimulated by scientific education on nuclear power and exposure.

Review the school rules from the perspective of children's dignity and basic human rights.

 The way of school rules such as "underwear and socks are white" and "two -block prohibitions" are social problems.It is a problem related to children's dignity and basic human rights, and it is also worrisome to impair the trust between children and faculty and staff necessary for education.

 This year, the Japanese Communist Party conducted a questionnaire for school rules and heard the voices of about 3,000 junior and senior high school students, parents, faculty members, and citizens.Junior and high school students complain that the school rules that specify the hair and clothes in detail are "cramped as they are being monitored."The respondents, teachers, and citizens of the respondents agreed to review the school rules.Isn't it time to take a drastic review of the school rules?


 The Child's Rights Treaty stipulates that "the school discipline is taken in a way that conforms to the dignity of the child's human human dignity and all appropriate measures to ensure that it is operated in accordance with this treaty" (Article 28 2)., Western school rules have little restrictions on clothes and hair belonging to basic human rights.

 However, the basic documents of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's student guidance, "Student Guidelines," have no words in the dignity and human rights of children regarding school rules and school discipline.The school rules are positioned as "compliance with social norms", and the basics of guidance on school discipline are "fostering normal consciousness".In this case, the school rules that significantly restrict human rights are like saying, "Let's comply with the norms.""Student guidance" is also changed, and the dignity of children and respect for basic human rights are the basic stance of the national rules.


 The school rules have a character related to the human rights of children, and at the same time, part of educational activities.It is important for faculty members, children, and parents to discuss specific reviews at each school, based on the constitution and the constitution of the child's rights.

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