5 Ways to Get the Fastest Wi-Fi Connection Without Spending Money Lifehacker Japan


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5 ways to get the fastest Wi-Fi connection speed without spending money

If you've subscribed to the fastest internet connection and you're still not getting the speeds you're looking for, you might want to upgrade your subscription plan. However, if you've tested your connection speed and it's nowhere near what you should be getting with your plan, upgrading may not be the best way to improve your connection speed. There are definitely ways to increase your Wi-Fi connection speed without spending a fortune. You can increase your Wi-Fi connection speed by spending money. All you have to do is upgrade your provider's contract plan or buy a new router. Of course, this kind of thing costs money, so the first thing you should do is find out if there are ways to increase your Wi-Fi connection speed that won't cost you money.

Free Wi-Fi 5 Ways to Get the Fastest Wi-Fi Connection Speed ​​(Lifehacker [Japan Version]) - Yahoo! News

1. Unhide your router

The best thing you can do to increase your Wi-Fi connection speed is to unhide your router. No one wants to look at a box that flashes, so it's tempting to hide your router out of sight. A router's job is to send the Wi-Fi signal, and that signal depends on the environment. Wi-Fi signals can get in the way when things get in the way, from physical obstacles like walls and doors in your home to signals from appliances like microwave ovens and wireless phones. Remember, it's best to move your router away from such obstructions. If you can put your router on a shelf or somewhere higher, that's even better. Moving your router to an elevated, open location will give you a stronger Wi-Fi signal than if it was hidden behind a wall, door, or microwave.

2. Move as close to your router as possible

In the same context as above, try to use your Wi-Fi device as close to your router as possible. It's not like you have to put your laptop or PlayStation right next to your router, but if you want to maximize your Wi-Fi connection speeds, keep those devices within visual range when using them. It would be nice to have a router.

Next page: 3. Do not use multiple devices on the same network at once

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Last update: Lifehacker [Japan]

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