"28 years of marriage" Entered the eldest son's entertainment world who was surprised to raise a child with her family Hiromi spoke by Iyo Matsumoto

"I want to be an actor" I was surprised at the words of the eldest son

Iyo Matsumoto celebrated its 40th anniversary [Photo: Yuji Arakawa]

"Because Iyo is still 16."Iyo Matsumoto, who became the top idol in the epoch -making debut song "Sentimental Journey" (1981) with the name of the singer himself.This year, the milestone of the 40th anniversary, we released a commemorative album "Treasure Voice", including a new song by the combination of Kyohei Tsutsu (composed) and Reiko Yukawa (lyrics), who worked on the debut song.Mr. Matsumoto, who is expecting future music activities in the future, talked about his family life with Hiromi, who is said to be the "ideal couple," and his son, and balance with talent activities.(Interview / sentence = Hideki Hamaguchi) [Photo] "Thank you sons" 28 years have passed since Hiromi and Iyo Matsumoto, two shots taken in 2021.The eldest son (actor Ryoo Kozono) is 26 and his second son is 23 years old.Both of them say, "Let me make you a little more until you can save," so I still live with four parents and children.Hiromi says, "How long have you been, how long have you been?"hand.You may just want to eat something delicious outside of your mom's bad rice (laughs).For sons, I think Hiromi is still scary.I am a mother who looks like this (laughs), and I was angry when my child was small.It was mainly about discipline, but I was saying "Eat quickly" or "Stop brothers", so I am now saying "Iyo -san, I was angry" from those who knew that time.But I am told.At one point, Hiromi said, "Mama, the child doesn't listen to saying that when he gets angry like that, he must be calm and talk properly when he gets angry."After saying that, I stopped getting angry with hysterical, and began to try to stand in the child as much as possible.It is my role to get angry at home at home.When the problem grows, Daddy comes in.Hiromi gets angry in the final stage, so I don't get angry at that time."Let's stop getting angry together."Then the couple does not say each other's bad words.I don't say Hiromi in front of my child, and Hiromi also says, "Mom is the most important."Is it called a "ideal couple"?Of course I'm glad, but I've never been aware of it.Oh, but this year, when I learned that a certain survey ("Ideal famous couple by Meiji Yasuda Life") knew it was the first place, I talked, "It looks like it has become."Since I myself was two sisters with my sister, it was fresh every day to raise boys.What I thought was interesting was that my brother was different.The eldest son is very serious and has his own opinion, but on the other hand, he is worried about his surroundings.Perhaps when I went out with my family, I heard that people passing by, "Oh, Iyo Matsumoto."When you go outside, look properly."I think that my parents were an entertainer, so we had a hard time we didn't understand, but I didn't want to be noticeable, so when I went to the class, I just coughed lightly.I had been tied (laughs).The second son of a college student is a band activity and is currently finding a job, but unlike his brother, he is a character that does not care much about the surroundings.For example, when I went to karaoke with my friends, my eldest son seemed to be painful to sing my song, but the second son can enjoy that.It seems that he was crazy about baseball until high school, and rather had the power to involve the surroundings.I was surprised when the eldest son, who thought he hated standing out, said, "I want to be an actor."Actually, I seemed to have been interested since I was 6 years old, but when I heard that, I remembered that when I was at the school, I was saying something like "I don't want to be a good role."I didn't oppose aiming for the entertainment world because I thought it was a determination to be called "II".I didn't want to give up on my parents, even though I wanted to do it.After that, I started receiving various auditions myself, and where I received it was the office of the president that Hiromi knew well.So when Hiromi calls and says, "I'm my son," it looks like "Oh, is that so?" (Laughs).Both children were adults, but Hiromi is still a big pillar at home.I feel that my family is organized around my dad.What a couple takes care of is the time to talk with the family.When I am at home, my sons go to my room and only meet when I eat, but is it quick for a man to eat?When I sit down, I often finish eating and stand, so I try to talk when I eat out.I basically cook at home, but my eldest son sometimes helps, and when I am sick, I do everything.Especially good at Japanese -style pasta, it's much more delicious than I make (laughs).Hiromi has recently been in charge of washing, but he can't forgive the sink.I can't get rid of it while cooking, and I think "Before everyone finishes eating" and hurry to the dining table, I saw a sink scattered in my dad who finished eating quickly.You may be tonged up (laughs).Hiromi is very meticulous, so he says, "Why can it be so dirty? I can hate it just by looking at this."Even when I was diagnosed as a whole month and a half due to a compression fracture of the thoracic vertebra in June of this year, my dad has only been grateful because I worked hard at home.

 「結婚28年」松本伊代が語った家族 ヒロミとの子育て、驚きだった長男の芸能界入り

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